"The question is not whether astrology is real or not. The question is whether the effects are real"
Co Star Founder Banu Guler
Astrology is a doctrine that assumes a fateful influence of the stars (planets, signs of the zodiac, comet movements) on the individual human being, his life plan, human society and the entire earthly nature. People have always had the desire to be able to explain their confused strokes of fate - to give them a meaning. Early on, they turned their gaze to the shining stars of the night sky. There is nothing new about looking for the reasons for what happens to you in life in the orbits of the heavenly bodies. From Stonehenge to the Pyramids of Giza, the Nebra Sky Disk, Ronald Reagan and, last but not least, Beyoncé.
Johanna Sofia Heusser
Johanna Sofia Heusser, Jesse Inman
Fiona Schreier
Marc Vilanova
Diana Ammann
Katharina Germo, Stephan Stock
Belush Korenyi
Maxine Devaud
Hubert Thériault
ROXY Birsfelden, Dschungel Vienna
Fotos: Tom Weilguny, Hitzigraphy